
Here are the 20 most popular League of Legends champions in 2016

Third-party League of Legends data website League of Graphs has listed the 20 most picked champions in League of Legends last year, those with the highest winrate, and the top 20 most banned champions of 2016.

Detailed in a report sent to Yahoo Esports, Ezreal tops the list as the most picked champion of 2016, beating out Lee Sin and Thresh, who placed second and third, respectively. Here’s the full list (the data accounts for League of Legends players across all regions):

Top 20 picked League of Legends champions for 2016:

  1. Ezreal (31.8%)

  2. Lee Sin (29.7%)

  3. Thresh (29.3%)

  4. Lucian (28.0%)

  5. Vayne (26.1%)

  6. Yasuo (21.5%)

  7. Caitlyn (19.2%)

  8. Jhin (19.2%)

  9. Blitzcrank (16.3%)

  10. Jinx (15.2%)

  11. Morgana (14.8%)

  12. Alistar (14.1%)

  13. Graves (13.6%)

  14. Riven (13.2%)

  15. Lux (13.2%)

  16. Braum (13.1%)

  17. Janna (12.7%)

  18. Zed (12.7%)

  19. Ahri (12.3%)

  20. Ekko (12.1%)

League of Graphs also broke down the top 20 champions with the highest winrate — Sona barely edges out Janna by 0.1 percent to take the top spot — and the 20 most banned champions of 2016. That honor goes to Zed, nearly double that of Yasuo in second place.

Sona the support champion had the highest winrate of 2016. (Riot Games)
Sona the support champion had the highest winrate of 2016. (Riot Games)

Top 20 League of Legends champions with highest winrate for 2016:

  1. Sona (53.4%)

  2. Janna (53.3%)

  3. Skarner (53.0%)

  4. Camille (53.0%)

  5. Ahri (53.0%)

  6. Malzahar (52.9%)

  7. Soraka (52.7%)

  8. Amumu (52.7%)

  9. Kayle (52.5%)

  10. Sion (52.4%)

  11. Kog’max (52.4%)

  12. Blitzcrank (52.2%)

  13. Zyra (52.1%)

  14. Anivia (52.1%)

  15. Volibear (52.0%)

  16. Wukong (52.0%)

  17. Nami (51.9%)

  18. Swain (51.8%)

  19. Ashe (51.8%)

  20. Quinn (51.8%)

Top 20 banned League of Legends champions for 2016:

  1. Zed (59.2%)

  2. Yasuo (31.2%)

  3. Darius (22.1%)

  4. Leblanc (21.8%)

  5. Ekko (19.5%)

  6. Fizz (18.8%)

  7. Hecarim (18.4%)

  8. Malzahar (16.7%)

  9. Irelia (15.9%)

  10. Vladimir (14.8%)

  11. Rengar (14.7%)

  12. Kindred (14.0%)

  13. Malphite (12.1%)

  14. Swain (11.6%)

  15. Master Yi (11.6%)

  16. Vayne (10.4%)

  17. Soraka (10.0%)

  18. Tahm Kench (8.8%)

  19. Lee Sin (8.4%)

  20. Alistar (8.1%)

League of Graphs is a third-party website that is highlighted on the Riot Games developer website as a featured project. Riot Games has confirmed that it sends the raw data via the Riot Games API to League of Graphs, which then publishes its own analysis.