
League of Legends Patch 6.18 released, will be World Championship patch

Taliyah won't be pushing lanes quite so hard this patch (Riot Games)
Taliyah won’t be pushing lanes quite so hard this patch (Riot Games)

This is the one, everyone. Released today, League of Legends Patch 6.18 will be the patch that the 2016 World Championship will be played on. As such, the changes in the patch aren’t huge, but they will certainly affect the landscape of professional play.

Yes, that means standard picks like Ekko, Gnar, Shen, and Vladimir are all taking hits. Ekko has had his base AD dropped to reduce the effectiveness of the recent Trinity Force build, while his constant top lane nemesis Gnar has had his jump cooldown increased to make his lane slightly less safe. Shen won’t do as much damage while he’s in lane, and Vladimir’s sustain has taken a significant hit. Oh, and solo queue heroes will be happy to know that Yasuo won’t be tearing through tanks while building barely any damage items.

Meanwhile, Ashe’s Volley’s cooldown is up to make her less dominant in lane, Lissandra doesn’t gain quite as much health per level as before, Rek’Sai isn’t as naturally tanky as before, and Taliyah can’t push waves as hard due to nerfs to damage on her Q and W. Frozen Mallet won’t be quite as strong offensively anymore, but will be a solid option for tanky brawlers. Balance by reduction! Hooray!

As for buffs, Lux and Lulu both had the slows on their abilities improved, Nocturne’s Terrify now lasts longer, and that’s… about it.

Finally, the reworked Yorick is coming with the launch of the new patch. Check out the full notes right here.

Taylor Cocke is wondering where the Jhin and Sivir nerfs are. Follow him on Twitter @taylorcocke.