
League of Legends patch 7.2 buffs Lethality, nerfs Courage of the Colossus, makes ADCs viable

The reign of Poppy may be over (Riot Games)
The reign of Poppy may be over (Riot Games)

AD carry mains around the world, rejoice! You might actually be able to kill things again.

Since the beginning of the 2017 season, ADs have been lamenting the loss of the Armor Penetration item stat in favor of Lethality, a change that left them high, dry, and entirely unable to deal any damage to tanks throughout the mid game.

Now, thanks to League of Legends Patch 7.2, the base percentage of armor Lethality tears through is increased, giving AD-building champions better options for beating up on mid game tanks.

As for other items that are giving ADCs headaches, Hextech Gunblade’s early damage is being dropped, ensuring that the likes of Katarina and Akali aren’t as easily able to one-shot squishies. Redemption won’t be healing for as much in the early game either.

Items receiving buffs include Duskblade of Draktharr (passive damage increased), Edge of Night (active cooldown decreased), Knight’s Vow (cost reduction), Eye of the Equinox (cooldown reduction added), Ardent Censer (buffs increased later in the game), and Chalice of Harmony (magic resist increased).

To make ADs even happier, Courage of the Colossus is also getting a big nerf. In lane, its 1v1 power is drastically decreased, dropping from 10 damage to 3(!) at level 1. In teamfights, the Mastery no longer scales with the tank’s max health, instead having a flat increase based on the number of nearby enemies.

Tired of getting ganked by a full-health level 3 jungler? Riot’s got a handle on that, too. Not only will camps spawn three seconds later than on 7.1 to minimize heavy leashes, Gromp and the big Krug will be doing more damage, making healthy jungle clears that much more difficult.

This isn’t just an item, Mastery, and jungle patch, though. Several champions are seeing changes.

Akali’s ultimate AP scaling is being increased, Gragas has more base armor and heals more from his passive, Graves’ True Grit refreshes from both autoattacks and spells against non-minions, Lulu’s passive damage is increased and Q mana cost decreased, Master Yi’s ability durations pause during his Meditate, and Nidalee’s base health and heal are increased.

Nerfs are coming in for two high-powered champs, as well. Darius is having his passive damage dropped at early levels to stop his level 1 all-in, on top of his Q dealing less damage when up close. Meanwhile, the scaling on Katarina’s Shunpo is taking a sizeable hit.

That’s it for this time around, but if you want to check out the full changes, head over the League of Legends Patch 7.2 page. For everything else League of Legends, stay right here at Yahoo Esports.

Taylor Cocke might actually hop back into solo queue again. Follow him on Twitter @taylorcocke.