
Oh come on, Origen. Finish your EU LCS games.

Origen's xPeke plays at the EU LCS (Riot Games/Lolesports)
Origen’s xPeke plays at the EU LCS (Riot Games/Lolesports)

Last week, Origen played the longest game in EU LCS history against Fnatic. This week, they went ahead and played another marathon match against G2. 67 minutes after the two squads stepped onto the Rift, the game finished. Another CS record was broken, with Jesper “Zven” Svenningsen slaying 946 minions and monsters by the end of the map. Oh, and Paul “sOAZ” Boyer backdoored again.

I still need a nap.

The long matches are indicative of Origen’s inability to close out matches that they gain huge early leads in. They were ahead more than 10k gold after the mid game ended, but couldn’t manage to break the Nexus. It could be in large part due to Enrique “xPeke” Cedeño Martínez’s relative inexperience in the AD carry role, causing him to lack the confidence required to carry the risky late game fights. If they hope to remain at the top of the EU LCS and then perform at Worlds, they’re going to fix those issues – or just find an actual ADC main.

But hey, for now, at least they’re winning?

Taylor Cocke’s eyes are drooping and he can’t believe that that was only Game 1. Follow him on Twitter @taylorcocke.