
Overwatch almost had a cat in a jetpack as a hero

Yahoo Esports' own Zorine Te gave us an artist's rendition of what Queeny could look like (Zorine Te)
Yahoo Esports’ own Zorine Te gave us an artist’s rendition of what Queeny could look like (Zorine Te)

In an interview with GameSpot’s Tamoor Hussain, Overwatch game director Jeff Kaplan revealed that there was a cat hero planned for Blizzard’s competitive class shooter, but it was scrapped. This is unacceptable.

“It was this jetpack and it had this cat that laid in it, like a cat does,” said Kaplan. “Then every once in awhile it would paw at the controls. It was a cat in a jetpack.”

You read that right. At one point, there was a cat that would bap its little paws around in a jetpack, probably doing very cute things while ramming into opponents. Adorable, right? Totally worth putting into the game, correct?

Wrong. Said Kaplan of the hero’s removal, “We just went, ‘Yeah that’s probably too far.’”

Well, Mr. Kaplan, it’s time to go back and reconsider that. D.Va needs a kitty to hang out with while she practices for her upcoming tournaments. I’m sure that she wouldn’t be too happy about little Queenie (D.Va is a Zerg player, obviously) heading to Eichenwald to do battle, but the image is just too cute to let go.

Let us have this one, Jeff. Just this once?

Taylor Cocke is now a Queenie main. Follow him on Twitter @taylorcocke.