
Pavel wins Hearthstone World Championship at BlizzCon 2016 in all-EU final

The Hearthstone stage at BlizzCon 2016 (Blizzard)
The Hearthstone stage at BlizzCon 2016 (Blizzard)

By Ozzie Mejia

Russian Hearthstone prodigy Pavel “Pavel” Beltiukov narrowly missed the BlizzCon cut last year.

This year, however, he defeated a tough field to emerge as the 2016 Hearthstone World Champion at BlizzCon, culminating with a 4-2 series win over Team Virtuspro’s Arten “DrHippi” Kravets.

The final series came down to Pavel’s Malygos Miracle Rogue deck versus DrHippi’s Malygos Yogg Druid. The match was decided early after a turn 5 that saw Pavel drop a 10/10 Edwin VanCleef onto the board. While DrHippi attempted to counter with an Arcane Giant, a Sap spell sent it right back to his hand, allowing Pavel to finish with a Sinister Strike spell, an SI-7 Agent to the face, and a Bite spell that was created by an earlier Swashburglar play.

Pavel nearly didn’t reach the finale, as he found himself down 0-3 in the quarterfinals to William “Amnesiac” Barton. But with a combination of skillful play and some unprecedented RNG luck, Pavel was able to fight back to a 4-3 series win.

In fact, Pavel’s fortunate RNG draws led to some of the most thrilling moments of the weekend. In a semifinal match with China’s Jason Zhou, Pavel was faced with a Curator standing in his path and his opponent only at 10 health. In a bold move, the 18-year-old Russian used a Firelands Portal directly to the opponent’s face. The gamble paid off when the spell spawned Leeroy Jenkins, allowing Pavel to finish the game en route to a 4-2 series comeback win.

With the win, Pavel takes home the first-place prize of $250,000. This will also be something of a farewell to the Hearthstone pro scene as it is currently constituted. Blizzard has announced that the Hearthstone Championship Tour will undergo some major changes for 2017.

Follow Ozzie on Twitter @Ozz_Mejia