
Riot Games takes aim at pro meta champions with League of Legends Patch 7.3

Camille is finally getting nerfs in Patch 7.3 (Riot Games)
Camille is finally getting nerfs in Patch 7.3 (Riot Games)

Take a good, hard look at the competitive League of Legends meta because it’s about to get a kick right out the door.

League of Legends Patch 7.3 is nerfing a massive chunk of the current crop of meta champions with the aim of bringing the power level of some of these must-picks to a more reasonable level. And with all the overpowered stuff floating around the Rift, it’s about time.

First up on the chopping block is Camille, who has been banned in almost 95 percent of games across all major regions (and picked in every game she’s not banned). Her kit was so overtuned that Riot has seen it fit to nerf every. Single. Ability. She. Has. Her Q’s bonus damage is down, her W slow is decreased and decays over time, and her E costs more mana, stuns for less time, and only gives attack speeds if it hits a champion. Her ult even got hit, dissipating a second after Camille dies rather than sticking around for the full duration.

The most lane dominant supports at the moment are getting hit as well. For Zyra, that means Q’s mana cost is being increased and summoned plants won’t prioritize targeting champions if the Zyra player misses her abilities. Meanwhile, Malzahar’s Voidlings now have a short delay on cast, experience a short cooldown between each summon, and move more slowly as they run away from him.

The nerfs to the two bot lane mages might actually end up being an indirect nerf to Miss Fortune support, who is largely played as a counter to the pair.

The other meta-focused nerfs are coming for Ivern (Daisy no longer regenerates health and has fewer defensive stats), Jayce (Q and R damage down, E costs more mana), Kha’Zix (Q AD ratio down, cooldown refund on isolated targets decreased), LeBlanc (passive damage down at early ranks), Rengar (Q dash distance decreased, no more CC immunity on empowered W, R camouflage duration decreased), and Vi (move speed down, base attack speed decreased).

Among the deluge of nerfs are a pair of buffs. Tristana is seeing her Rapid Fire duration increased, giving her more combat uptime to right-click away. Vladimir’s base auto attack damage and missile speed are increased, while his Q base damage is increased, but gets less bonus damage from Crimson Rush.

Noting a lack of AD carry buffs? Worry not, ADC mains, your salvation is just two weeks away, as Riot promises that a slew of “goodies for botlaners of all stripes and positions” are coming in Patch 7.4. You’ll just have to be patient.

Read all about Patch 7.3 right here, and make sure to keep your eye on Yahoo Esports for how the changes affect pro play.

As Yahoo Esports’ resident support main, Taylor Cocke is tired of waiting for all these ADC buffs to make his duo partner feel useful again. Follow him on Twitter @taylorcocke.