
The newest Heroes of the Storm character is an adorable StarCraft probe

Blizzard has revealed the newest hero coming to Heroes of the Storm, Probius. That’s right, StarCraft’s Protoss probe is being warped into the Nexus battlefield as a Specialist hero. It’s a bit early for April Fools’, so this is probably not a joke.

Probius the probe joins Heroes of the Storm. (Blizzard)
Probius the probe joins Heroes of the Storm. (Blizzard)

A new trailer featuring the probe shows Probius warping in Pylons and Photon Cannons to attack enemies and cause a large explosion. Blizzard hasn’t provided many details on what abilities he’ll have, but a description on the YouTube video describes the pint-sized hero as making a “big difference by warping in a critical Pylon during the retaking of Aiur.”

Although pylons in StarCraft don’t have attacks, the buildings warped in by Probius look like they will deal damage to enemies. The hero doesn’t yet have a release date, but Blizzard has revealed an alternative skin for the character. It’s just as adorable as his original look.

Probius’ Terran-themed skin. (Blizzard)
Probius’ Terran-themed skin. (Blizzard)

Based on previous announcements for new heroes, Probius will likely appear on the PTR server soon, which is typically followed by an in-game release a week later.

Zorine can’t wait to see if the Wisp will ever be added to Heroes of the Storm. Follow her on Twitter @ztharli