
Probius builds pylons in Heroes of the Storm video

The diminutive Probius is now live on the Heroes of the Storm PTR (Blizzard)
The diminutive Probius is now live on the Heroes of the Storm PTR (Blizzard)

The Heroes of the Storm Nexus has clearly been lacking pylons, which is why it is introducing StarCraft Protoss probe, Probius, as the game’s newest Hero. Blizzard has followed up that announcement with a new video explaining the little probe’s abilities and how its pylons will affect the field of play, along with a PTR patch that noticeably changes up a few existing Heroes.

Probius immediately stands out as one of the few characters not to utilize mounts, which it makes up for with a greater base movement speed. Its Worker Rush ability allows it to gain a quick speed boost, making it one of the faster heroes in the game.

In addition to speed, Probius relies on pylons to make an impact. The ‘Warp In Pylon’ trait is tied to the (D) key, with players able to summon two pylons at a time. Pylons will power up abilities, as well as refresh Probius’ mana.

Probius’ abilities in detail (Blizzard)
Probius’ abilities in detail (Blizzard)

These are Probius’ other abilities:

  • (Q) Disruption Pulse: This is a straight plasma shot, capable of going through multiple foes at once.

  • (W) Warp Rift: This is an area-of-effect anomaly that can slow enemies caught in its field. Disruption Pulse can be fired at any Warp Rift to create an explosion, causing damage to any enemies in its range.

  • (E) Photon Cannon: This is a turret-like plasma cannon that can fire at surrounding hostiles. However, in addition to being destructible, Photon Cannon turrets will only work near pylons. If there are no pylons in range or if a nearby pylon is destroyed, the Photon Cannon will be inactive.

  • (R1) Pylon Overcharge: Nearby pylons become overpowered and act as longer-range turrets. Pylons are also given a shield buff to keep them on the battlefield.

  • (R2) Null Gate: Probius places a gate at a designated location, where passing enemies are severely slowed and slightly damaged.

Monday’s PTR patch has also impacted several existing heroes, with the most noteworthy changes coming to the two-player character Cho’Gall. The ogre’s existing attacks will receive damage nerfs, while Gall’s talent tree is getting an overhaul. Talents have been adjusted to suit each head’s new trait. Cho’s Ogre Hide will increase armor, while Gall’s will increase damage output, but only one of these traits can be active at one time.

Probius is now available in through the most recent Heroes of the Storm PTR patch and is expected to release to all players next week.

Ozzie Mejia must build more pylons. Follow him on Twitter @Ozz_Mejia.